King Hodor

But with proper rehabilitation, Supes and Zod could have, together, brought world peace to earth while preparing the world for space habitation. (Surely in the Goyer-verse superman could travel to the moon with a breathing apparatus? I'm assuming that's why he can't go to the moon in MoS???)


In B vs. S, Batman carries around his Bat Boomstick, blasting baddies back into the black abyss.

That's another one that's been sitting in my wish list.
Guys I have a confession to make: I'm really enjoying Superior Spider-Man, like it's my 2nd fave after Hawkeye. Trying to explain the foundation of the series (the whole a Doc Ock is spidey thing) to those unfamiliar makes it sound like the lamest thing ever, but

Malin Akerman is the best-looking woman on the planet.
That's not even an opinion, that's science.

Pashaw- when was the last time you saw the Dallas Cowboys OR their cheerleaders at the Super Bowl?
This ain't the 90s Marah!

or if you don't like that one-

Mine was a Floyd DSotM shirt with front and back graphics. Like yours it's still in great shape (I guess it was worth the $23 I paid in '04 money after all).

So my parents (like many of your parents/grandparents) watch this show religiously. NCIS Original that is, not that LA one (no Mark Harmon no deal!).
Now quiz: how many of your folks call the Hot Topic girl a goth? Does it bother you that they think that's "goth"? Idk why but every time they say that I just want to go

I always forget just how beautiful she really is. I mean, go back and look at that picture and tell me that's not a woman you'd be damn proud to show off to your stupid, insufferable family.

Ben Stiller is the king of "really long lines that probably should have been wrapped up a few words ago but I'm going to keep talking and somehow it's still very funny" line readings.

Never played any Pre-Oblivion ES games (bust out the pitchforks!).
I've been playing Skyrim pretty religiously since it came out (on ps3 no less, so no mods only DLC) two years ago and will continue to do so until ES6 comes out. Whenever the hell that is. Take my money Bethesda!

You'll poke an eye out with that thing!
Just checked and Hawkeye vol 1 has the first 5 Hawkeye issues plus New Avengers #6 and Vol 2 has Hawkeye 6-11.

"Seek and Destroy" on harp? That's what plays in all of Hetfield's elevators.

Yeah not trying to be all hipster-ish but their first album is really great from start to finish, whereas their other albums have some good songs mixed with terrible ones. "Use Somebody" and "Sex on Fire", particularly make me want to drive into incoming traffic when it's on.


The cynic in me says "ew they're all old", but the other 25% of me is grinning at that picture like the love child of Stephen Merchant and Louis Armstrong.

I've had FF in my wishlist for like 6 months but wanted to wait for a price drop since I wasn't sure about it. Sounds like I need to just bite the bullet and read it. They keep pushing the second volume back too, I think its now showing Spring '14 as a release date.

Anybody catching up on the new Marvel stuff through the TPBs?
I recently got the first two Deadpools, first two Hawkeye, Indestructible Hulk, and Savage Wolverine.
Deadpool was actually pretty funny (haven't read the second one yet), Hulk and Wolverine- boring in parts but overall enjoyable. And I fucking love the

I was gonna watch Hostages, Sleepy Hollow, and The Blacklist….
..but then I got high and played Skyrim for like, 6 hours.