


You're projecting a lot onto Schweikart that I really don't see.

Wait, did your right nut hurt beforehand?

I'm going with Jay saying "upsetting"

Ren has tits!?

It is a sequel which almost entirely recycles a film which is required viewing in order to understand it, and is worse.


"And I'll do the same next week!"

He's not the gay.

Don't see it.

In my head, it's the defence I use after murdering him.

Rhea Seehorn was talking on the podcast last week about how Kim's power often comes from not talking, when everyone else loves to talk.


Cool story, bro!

Some Scottish Cunt?

You really did it. You really did the "ae" thing.

Nick Offerman for Fett?

My favourite part of that is he's saying it to a subordinate, who's probably been waiting for years to have such a candid chat with the Captain, and really thinks that his ideas about the rebel situation would be appreciated if he could just get someone higher up to listen, but he totally fluffs his moment and squeaks

We empty bottles quickly over here.