
They really filmed that badly.

But the pseudo-realism thing really worked out well for Man of Steel!!!

Shall we all dc at Marvel's poor decisions?

Shall we all dc at Marvel's poor decisions?

Wait, people say "varmint"? I always assumed it was a terrible way of saying "vermin"?

There was an odd little cut in it while she was talking about the sprinklers, though.

Wait, Coldplay still had room in which to move towards the mainstream?

It was quite a disappointing movie even though he did.

Wait, were those both supposed to be "on-screen"?!

That doesn't make any sense. Why would he be hunting them instead of doing exactly the same sort of thing they were doing (hunting power plants and nuclear weapons etc)?

It is entirely possible that he was in some of the movies you saw, however.

It's based on a true story wherein the villain actually stole a larger proportion of the water!

Clear and Present Dangest

Chalk-full? Is this a thing people are doing now?

We all know he's using those holes!

I would have only carried her out to the front stoop the once, personally.

Well, I'm rewatching with some fairly smart newbies who are really into it, and I quite often have to explain things that they missed - including the whole Tyrion marriage story when that exact scene happened!

The dragons are not big fans, though.

Best comedy I've seen all year. It's great to have a whole cinema united in ripping the piss out of a terrible film.

Two ravens and a piece of twine?