
That is an oddly specific but probably much more accurate law of nature.

The woman who voices Pam looks nothing like Pam, but she is totes adorbs. Sorry, inapprops.


I don't think it's ever made clear in the Ultimate line. But I don't think we should just assume that Ultimate Cap had the exact same adventures that 616 Cap did. Also, Ultimate Cap never had a romance with Peggy Carter while she was with the Resistance, so he probably didn't have the same view of them that 616 Cap

I hate pretty much all of Millar's output, but I really enjoyed both Ultimates volumes he wrote.

I liked him as an intergalactic trucker in Byrne's She-Hulk run. Due to licensing issues, you can't call him US 1, though.

One of the places on Battleword is called New Quack City. I have a feeling Howard's series will be taking place there during Secret Wars.

Man, if there was ever something to remove from continuity…

Yet. Don't ever underestimate Squirrel Girl.

I'm intrigued by the idea of characters from all universes being refugees in a combined new Marvel Universe, with everyone remembering their old histories, but having to forge a new present together. That said, it sounds like it could be a major headache in the future.

Don't shoot albatrosses is the point, I guess.

He's got five wives.

Pfft, classic MBA double talk.

How do things like Facebook and Twitter make billions when they don't actually offer a product that people pay for? It can't all be ad revenue, can it?

I like Marvel's individual titles, but there events always suck, even when written by otherwise very talented writers. Original Sin, Fear Itself, Axis, Chaos War, etc., all crap. I'm curious about Secret Wars because of the New Universe and Shadowline characters, but this might finally drive me from Marvel. Which is

I really didn't care for the Pianist.

Ah. I'll stop right there, lest we unleash the inevitable debate.

Even the first two series?

Yeah, you don't know fans. Hatred of Nick Jr. is pretty widespread. Although I think some of that is due to the fact that they liked his character when he was just badass soldier Marcus Johnson, rather than arbitrary black Nick Fury.

Dear God, he is? Can you give some context?