
Good weird, or Hudson Hawk weird?

Those are great fun. I think you can watch several on YouTube, but I don't think they have all of them.

"I like things that are great"

'Swrong wit' you?!?!?

Since it's British, you mean utter shite.

His obsession was with giving them Bibles, not, *ahem*, sampling their wares. Which is still plenty crazy, but not what you expect when you think of politicians dealing with prostitutes.

Why no love for Gladstone or Disraeli?

Dean and Hank know they're clones, they discovered Dermit is their brother, Henchman 21 went back to working for the Monarch after trying and failing at being a hero, and Action Man is getting some action from Billy Quizboy's mom!

Plus the Soviets had a much bigger army, and far less compunctions about sending them all to their deaths.

The point being that Britain had stagnated socially by remaining an Empire, rather than becoming the more democratic nation it is in our reality.

My understanding was that they were afraid the Brits would try to take over several Irish ports for use in the war effort. Given Ireland had only recently gained full independence, that was untenable.

But Ford campaigned to be re-elected. Checkmate.

These days, it harder getting Duchovny out of a dress.

I think Battle Fever J was originally intended as a Captain America show, but lost most of its Marvel influence before airing.

It's too bad Spider-verse hasn't included the evil Turkish Spider-Man you helped to defeat, Santo.

Did you see Silver Surfer #7? Slott wrote the Ding-a-Ling family into Marvel continuity.

I think it's called being 92 years old.

To be fair, the first guy to write about woman/octopus sex was British. He introduced it to Japan, where it quickly went big.

Mr. Measles all the way.

You should go to the top of the Empire State Building. You can pee on the whole city from there.