
Or an Amy after 4 drinks. Meow.

What was interesting is that Boyle had three dogs. He only got the two Rottweiler/Corgi pups from Holt, so did he already have one dog, or did he get the third one afterward?

His parents, Your Honor and the antique globe collector, being on the formal side probably didn't help.

The buttons are right next to each other on my work e-mail. Plus, we must consider how old the system the squad is using is. Would a New York precinct have the most cutting edge technology, or would they have computer monitors that date from the 1990s?

Ironically, HUAC was originally proposed by a Jewish congressman who wanted to go after Bundists and other Nazi-affiliated organizations. It soon took a turn toward communism.

Krusty: "Now, when the wealthy dowager comes in, the party's over, right? Wrong!"
Krusty throws pie in snooty woman's face
Homer (writing notes): "Kill wealthy dowager."

Use a pen, Sideshow Bob.

Plus he was probably the only president who actually experienced nuclear power firsthand during his days in the Navy.

What is really sad is that most of the Japanese scientific data was useless. If we sell our souls, we should at least get something useful out of it.

The book Medical Apartheid talks about the long history of slaves and other black Americans being experimented on throughout medical history (almost always without their consent).

What was much worse was an experiment with the inmates of a Guatamalan insane asylum. American scientists actually gave them syphilis in that one. The details only came out a few years ago, and rather than causing an uproar, the story died after a few days.

My father says a world court will only be an effective entity when we have constructed a world jail.

The Indian judge actually brought up Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the Japanese war crimes tribunal, but he was shouted down by the other justices.

They also murdered, raped, and stole from millions of civilians as they marched onto Russia. This isn't to paint all Russian soldiers as brutes, but the utter devastation that was left in the Red Army's wake was staggering.

Henry Wallace, former Secretary of Agriculture. He probably would have been a much different president than Truman, but Stalin might have eaten him alive.

I hate running-dog capitalists as much as the next man, but your theory hinges quite a bit on exactly how successful a Soviet system could have been. Command economies don't work very well.

It's like rain on your wedding day.

I'm curious if Truman really knew and just issued the order as an ass-covering measure, or if the intelligence agencies just outright defied his orders.

We made similar deals with the Japanese who oversaw the abominable chemical warfare projects in Unit 731. We made Shiro Ishii, as big a monster as Megele, immune to any and all war crime prosecution.

From most accounts, Gehlen was not only an evil SOB, he was also a rather crappy spy.