
Although a work of fiction, the fantastic novel The Good German makes the case that not only was von Braun aware of the slave labor, he also tinkered the rations so that the laborers had just enough calories per day to work, but not so much that they wouldn't eventually die of starvation.


I have to ask about "Theory of Everything," since it's been pegged as a timeless love story, do they paper over the fact that he ditched his wife for his nurse?

Although awkwardly done, Renner was not wrong.

Poehler won last year, IIRC. Spread the love around.

Last year they made the Gravity joke, about him rather dying in space than spend 5 more minutes with a woman his own age.

World's greatest waiter.

It's just a matter of time until there is a Crisis and a Reboot.

Next you'll be telling me there are Jewish entertainers!

*giggles, placated*

McNicol was great in that film. Trying to convince Dana to sacrifice her child because it would lead to great parking spaces still cracks me up.

Since you use "like" in the sentence, isn't it a simile, not a metaphor?

What ethnicity is your ladywife? Is she >gasp< a Swede?

It was a good movie, but if I was super smart, the first thing on my To-do list would be pay off vengeful, probably unhinged Russian loan shark. But I could see how people might get distracted.

Goodbye, my friend.

So is the fact that Topher Grace is in Interstellar the big spoiler?

Man, I really like Topher Grace but he really fell into utter obscurity. Who would have thought that Kuther would be the most successful actor from That 70's Show (or tied with Mila Kunis, anyway)?

I love Tina and Amy, but most of their movie output has been disappointing.

The role she was born to play.

Ghostbusters 2 was certainly a lesser film than the original, but it had some great moments. And you have to be a cold hearted cynic not to love the Statue of Liberty walking to "Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher." Are you a cold hearted cynic, TaumpyTearrs? Are you?