
I'm still waiting for him to take the role he was born to play: Shaft.

He was just giving her a ride!

Cool, Ghostbuster franchises in different cities. Maybe Chicago is overrun with animal ghosts, since it was the center of the meat industry. Edgar Poe is the mascot of the Baltimore branch, ala Slimer in the cartoon. Mormon eschatology gets interesting in the Salt Lake City office; what if all the dead people who got

If you're suggesting Lizzie Caplan in some girl-girl action, I'm game.

But all three were very different from Bob in What About Bob?, and certainly different from characters he plays in Wes Anderson's films. Plus he played Hunter S. Thompson.

I won't say The Heat is a bad movie, but I really didn't like it. It certainly didn't live up to all of the hype. Still, given the dearth of female buddy comedies and female cop movies, it certainly filled a need.

Plus, Conway is also now bionic.

I'm just glad he's getting work.

Eye in the Sky, The Alan Parsons Project.

Dik-diks are native to Africa, while muntjacs live in Southeast Asia (although they are also apparently quite common in England, where they were accidentally introduced into the wild.) Dik-diks also don't have fangs.

I was going to say, How many people are going to die on this movie?

I think Uri Geller can tear forks asunder.

I fell.

I certainly wouldn't want to dismiss science, and basing knowledge on observable phenomena is definitely better than blind faith, but I do sometimes wonder if science is limited just by the fact that human senses and imagination are too small.

I'd guess Conan was hardly a jock growing up, so I think some of it is the confusion that older nerds have that things they used to get reviled for liking are now mainstream. But yeah, it gets old, and I love Conan.

Take your nuanced, well-thought out opinions elsewhere!

Damn, you came prepared.

Hell, I think time did that already.

But he'd probably like that.

No, Daws Butler, the iconic voice of Hanna-Barbera's stable of characters, and a fellow native son of Toledo, Ohio.