
That would actually be pretty awesome. Maybe have it published by Marvel so Rocky can fight Ursa Major.

That's your answer to everything!

Putin is really an actor from Des Moines, Iowa. We're through the looking glass here people.


It was all a big hoax cooked up by old man Seward and perpetuated by Rob Morrow and the National Geographic Channel.

Bloody Red Baron is a bit of a slog, but Dracula, Cha Cha Cha is much better. Johnny Alucard is quite good, too.

To be fair, I think there were a few things besides sexism that were working against Tatum O'Neal's career.

Get 'em, boy. Show those smartass books!

I think they blew the budget on stovepipe hats.

Read it! Newman is a great writer, and it is a very quick read.

I think it was the Black Dossier where I realized that Moore was now writing a beautifully illustrated English term paper rather than a comic book meant to be understood by anyone other than Jess Nevins.

I think Concast customers just got it reinstated in the lower tier
packages. My parents have access to it now, and they didn't before a
month ago.

I'm sure Dawkins will avoid controversy and restrict his comments to snail evolution.

Come on, fellow history, English, philosophy, and film majors! Let's storm Cappadocius's house!

Don't we do a lot of astronomy with radio telescopes these days? Those aren't really dependent on time of day, are they?

Phil's story reminded me a little of Jeff Bridges in Fearless. Anyone else catch that?

They saved American Dad and Conan, so I'll let them inflate their reputation a little.

Is "working out" code?

You're not old. You're seasoned.

Budget/schmudget, I want my Gorilla Man!