
I didn't even realize that that was James Urbaniak!

I'm not sure that story would fly on ABC. Fox News would have a field day.

You probably know way more about the topic, but have you seen "A Class Apart", an American Experience documentary about the Supreme Court case Hernandez v. Texas? It was pretty well done as I recall.

He was finally turned by Dishonest John.

Eh, he's better than Kissinger or Dick Cheney.

While it sucks that they were scapegoated, I think it is important to remember that the three soldiers were incredibly guilty. That was never really in any doubt.

Sentry: Do you want the padre?
Harry Morant: No, thank you. I'm a pagan.
Sentry: And you?
Peter Handcock: What's a pagan?
Harry Morant: Well… it's somebody who doesn't believe there's a divine being dispensing justice to mankind.
Peter Handcock: I'm a pagan, too.

But then, nothing is. Man, that was an awesome movie.

I remember rewatching it recently and going, "Holy crap, that's Jan!" Melora has quite a set of pipes.

*gives Leto a hard stare*

*Cold Fish*

Excellent burn on John Travolta, too. "But you promised to help me move! Ah, geez!"

The porn-names of 70s movies on the marquee were pretty funny (5 Sleazy Pieces, Jeremiah's Johnson), as was Woody Allen dumping his trash out the window.

Alec Baldwin, Kim Basinger, Ron Howard, Sir Gary Coleman…

Stuart Scott: He never paid a lot for his muffler

Before I was just annoyed by their antics. Now I wish they were dead.

You have to supply your own knobs.

Yeah, while the majority of the Egyptian people were definitely people of color during her reign, Cleopatra was not. I don't think any art or coin depictions of her suggest she was "black", though I would be happy to be proven wrong if anyone has evidence to the contrary.

I wan unaware that she had done voice work. Very interesting.

Since networks have added more and longer commercial breaks, tv shows have less time in which to tell a story. Thus, theme music is often jettisoned to make room for other elements.