
She gave her first class seat to a returning soldier, so yeah, she's awesome.

Really intense lyrics, too.
Your future is a horror story written by your crime!
Your chains are forged by what you say and do
So have your fun, but when life is done, a nightmare waits for you!

Night Court? Friends? Mad About You had a great opening theme song. I'd watch the opening and then immediately flip to a show that wasn't dire.

There's nothing wrong with that so long as you contribute to the pledge drive. Otherwise you're just a thief. A common thief!

It was dire, but I laughed when Fidel saluted, aided by the stick tied to his arm.

The Monkees weren't about music, Marge. They were about rebellion!

I don't think Conan was ever head writer. Plus, literally everyone who worked for the show at the time was in the Naked Talk Show sketch.

I sure hope so. She's a delight.

"I love SNL sketches. I get older, they stay the same age."

How old is he, if you don't mind me asking?

If you haven't seen it, Something the Lord Made is an amazing film about the two doctors, one African-American the other a white southerner, who helped develop modern heart surgery. Alan Rickman and Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) deliver great performances, and it is beautifully shot.

A movie that was clearly not a love letter to the city of New York.

That's too bad. Something the Lord Made was awesome.

"If we'd been on a bridge when Eddie shot his nuts off, we could've been killed."

It's a Christmas, or possibly Chanukah, miracle.

I thought that was The Shaggy D.A..

Five dicks? Your pants must fit like a glove.

Did he fully grasp that they were killing people and making them into pies?

I though She-Devil put a stake through the heart of that idea, but I was wrong.

Perhaps it was an homage to Beauty and the Beast.