
Oh, the transgendered director, not one of the actresses. Okay, that sucks. Being sensitive to the trials and tribulations of the trans community is still a relatively new concept though, so I hope he learns from this and gets better in the future.

That's a relief. Thanks.

Hey, Huey Lewis really believed that. That's why the 90s were so hard for him.


I know Nelson has stated that he is a conservative, but has he said anything racist/sexist/homophobic/legitimate rape in association with his beliefs that we should know about and be shocked by?

Well, being arch is kind of his job.

We call headphones "cans."

Sorry about your housing situation. I hope things get better soon.

Dear God, I'm sorry. Did he report it?

Was he really raped, or was he joking? 'Cause I really want to use a Simpsons quote, but don't want to be a total bastard.

So you're saying you're not down with that?

Consul Buttercup, your healthcare plan is nothing but partisan rhetoric and technical jargon.

Come on, Estaban, we're going shopping!

Oh, you!

I know. Has anyone here actually ever seen a horse?

You're lucky you're a ghost and I'm a coward, because man…

To be fair, I'd kill two people to be with Jennifer Grey, new nose or not.

Lisa Edelstein isn't ugly! Them's fighting words.

Yes, but the horse gets a quarter of your income.

I know. Is she about to consume Christopher Noth in that photo?