
Well, they also agreed on not giving Social Security to Nazis.

I should have seen Sack Lunch instead.

"Filthy, but genuinely arousing."

Koreans loved The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer.

Well, one party receives campaign contributions from American companies, while the other is bought and paid for by evil corporations. See the difference?


I just couldn't get into the story of suburban malaise. Kevin Spacey's character is a dick whose big transformative moment is deciding not to have sex with a teenager. Let's throw him a parade.

Now I know what love is, and it apparently involves giving secrets to the Nazis.

And special guest star Telly Savalas!

Honduras and El Salvador went to war over a soccer match (and disputed territory, but it was the soccer match that got everyone riled up).

Eh, depends on who you ask. If you were African-American, Native America, or a fan of universal health care, things got way worse before they got better. If you were white, it was the best thing God ever gave to mankind.

"I'm her new girlfriend."
"Shhh. The cats don't need to know our business."

I would have happily gone to my grave never seeing Garth and Kat again.

No love for Elton John's Lucy in the Sky?

I'll just cut the Gordian Knot—I would enjoy having sex with Danica McKellar, provided she was into it.

Man, getting over a burn like that will take Time, Love, and Tenderness.

"I love you, Carl. I mean, Marge."

Vladdrak's been Rick Rolled!

Careful, he's a biter.

It's because Kevin's sister grew up to be a serial killer.