
If it's anything like my cocker spaniel, *submissively urinates*

We said white, not translucent.

I went to school with a girl whose middle name was Moondance.

*Faints from actual human contact.*

It's worth it for slightly cheaper gum.

*Gives Regular Potato Chip cyber hug*

I was relieved that they did not appear in the finale.

As all Southern children learn in school, Lincoln wasn't a unicorn, he was a flying purple people eater who burned Atlanta with his laser vision.

Not just any tie, a power tie.

Huh. I did not know about Magdalen's history. Thanks for the info.

You don't need to look good for Zeus; you just need to have the proper number of holes (1 or more).

That's a tradition that started in the Middle Ages. I don't think the Bible ever actually identifies Mary as a prostitute. Given that she's one of the few people who get two names, she was probably of pretty high status.

Ooooh, that makes me very angry!

Can God create what the Rock is cooking so well that even He can't smell it?

Lawrence Tierney played Elaine's dad in a single episode of Seinfeld, but his weird/intimidating antics creeped every single member of the cast and crew the hell out. Tierney also acted in Reservoir Dogs, and then provided the voice of Don Brodka in the Simpsons episode.

"You were a carpenter, and I'm not handy at all!"

He received considerably more respect from the surgeons in the television show than he did in the movie.

The Cranes of Maine have got your Living Brain!

I hate Wahlburg on principle, but I thought he did a great job in Ted. He was believable as a good guy who had no self-control but who wanted to be better. Mila Kunis was good in it too. Man, the sequel is just going to suck.

I think a lot of the stuff in Hollywood Babylon (Lupe Valez dying in a toilet, for instance) was entirely fabricated, but kernels of truth were scattered around. The Fatty Arbuckle incident certainly happened.