
Is phoney major!

I'm so sorry that happened to you.

Hell, Harrison stayed friends with Eric Clapton after he screwed Harrison's wife. It took a lot to make Harrison dislike a person.

I'm actually curious about "Big Eyes." Tim Burton was on the Daily Show on Monday and made it sound quite interesting.

We know he has an excellent rapport with the Asian community.

I hate to disappoint you, but you're sucking on my elbow.

*Puts on Andy Dick's villain hat*
Judy Greer isn't Jewish! She's Catholic! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!

You're the asshole Mego Ben Grimm from Twisted Toy Fair Theatre, aren't you?

Yes, Get Rid of Slimy girlS was riddled with corruption and misogyny

The scene at the cemetery with his grandson was great. "You're gran was a fine lady. She never cared much for the dark ones, but I think she'd have liked you."

I'm very sorry about your aunt and your cousin.

Not just any bears, she-bears. That means their periods will attract bears!

Never threaten a Canadian's Kraft Dinner.

Iraq isn't next door to a nuclear powered, UN security council member that holds a large part of our foreign debt, that's why

Well, not if he's making death threats to people.

Poe wrote on both? Their notes are flat?

If you think that's weird, Umar and the Hulk kind of had a thing going on in that one Defenders miniseries.

I really don't want the allegations to be true, but it would be hypocritical to dismiss them out of hand because we love Bill so much.

Um, about Bill Murray…

But Hamill isn't even Jewish. Plus he never even finished Jedi school.