
Nebraska was the sod-house state, right? Or am I thinking of Kansas?

Now that's an idea I can get behind.

"You're not even a cripple!"

Also, a boat that doesn't float and a train with square wheels are legitimately defective toys. They belong on the island.

Does anyone know why CBS shows a terribly animated Frosty sequel with John Goodman when Rankin and Bass have a perfectly serviceable Frosty sequel narrated by Andy Griffith that they could air instead? Frosty gets married and everything.

Did the VHS have Herbie and Rudolf singing "Fame and Fortune" or "We're a Couple of Misfits"? My family had a similar tape of Christmas specials, and our Rudolph had "Fame and Fortune," but subsequent airings cut the song. I miss it.

John Carter's director had as well; he'd overseen several Pixar films. Sometimes you just bet on the wrong project.

Sadly, the confident and ambitious filmmakers often end up making enjoyable but unprofitable movies like John Carter. Money is too tight for the true experimentation of previous decades.

If that means topless Annette Benning, then I'm in.

OOOH, excellent idea, and a throwback to the source material Indy was based on. Jaded hipsters will love it!

But the ending line is supposed to be infuriating/depressing. It sums up the central cynicism of film noir: the rich and powerful are above the law and pay no consequences for their actions. No amount of fighting will change that reality.

Harrison Ford is 72-years-old. Indy was established as being born in 1899/1900, so he would be 72 while Nixon is in office.

Amber Heard doesn't "give" erections; she makes you earn them.

Hey, they took Alice Cooper.

Heh, Christploitation. "They say this Jesus is a real bad mother…"

Well, he's right, just not in the way he thinks.

Where do you find the courage?

You could say they were written in stone.

Whenever one of these Conservatives of Color appears, I think of poor Sargent Waters from "A Soldier's Story," bending over backwards to be "acceptable" to whites, but in his heart knowing that no matter what you do, or how hard you try, they'll never stop hating you.

IIRC, I though the Skrulls impersonating heroes had been mystically/scientifically given the memories of their victims. I could be wrong, though.