
Civil liberties definitely suffered under Lincoln, although most of his actions were at least legally justifiable because he was dealing with a state of rebellion/insurrection. Exiling Copperheads and shutting down newspapers are much less justifiable.

I often disagree with Napolitan's viewpoint and version of history, but I respect his consistency. He doesn't think something is wrong if one party does it, but acceptable if his part does it; if something is wrong or unconstitutional, then it is wrong or unconstitutional.

Bush did pardon many of the people involved in Iran-Contra on the final day of his presidency, and his presidential records will be sealed for a mind-boggling amount of time, thanks to an executive order put into place by his son.

And the Chinese really don't want to deal with a huge number of refugees in Manchuria.

Usually for the Asians.

The media has always been weirdly hand-off about the Bushes. In '92, they didn't mention Bush 41's mistress, but they couldn't get enough of Gennifer Flowers.

Co-starring Tom Arnold!

"I'm not an invalid! I'm supposed to stick in a wall!"

Two sides!

Well, she did vote for Goldwater.

What's this? "All Romans go the the house?"

You don't sell drugs; drugs sell themselves.

Taco Tuesday.

As long as we're on the hating train, shouldn't someone complain about Mathew Broderick straight up killing two people?

We just don't make people like we used to.

Nice fuckin' model. *honks crotch*

Considering you call it the "goddamn Bible," I'm guessing it didn't speak to theologically.

I've heard that Ramses's successor Merneptah is often a suspect, especially in Islamic traditions.

That feels like one of those things it would kind of suck to see at the taping, though, since at most you get a tennis ball on a stick and a green screen.

He was green at the time, and had four arms. Perhaps he had plastic surgery, to lull everyone into a false sense of security.