
For some reason, this made me imagine Mario and Luigi as Jawas. Good times.

It's the only thing Wilford Brimley can eat with his diabeetus.

Seriously, how is the man-eating nature of the Ewoks so easily overlooked. Those storm trooper helmets are probably filled with skulls picked clean of all human remains.

The movie was far from perfect, but it had both Larry Miller and naked breasts. You really can't ask for more from a picture.

I loved it as a kid, but it was really outdated the last time I rode it. Sad to see it go forever, though.

ET is at Universal Studios.

I think perhaps you answered your own question.

Walt did not hate Jews! He just liked Nazis better.

Aw, I liked the old rocket rid.

Ackbar's fish sticks from the sea
They are so tender and flakey
Serve some up for you and me
To pass them up is a big mistake-y!

Ah, but Florida's park is technically Walt Disney World, but people always leave out the Walt.

Watto's Slave Auction
JarJar's Watermelon Hunt-formerly Splash Mountain

Different franchise.

I always loved Can't Wait 'Till Christmas song during the car ride:

I think they covered that one last year, or possibly the year before.

Wasn't he also wearing footie pajamas?

Jews celebrate Christmas as the birthday of the only Jewish boy to ever live up to his mother's expectations.

God bless those cynical bastards.

But shouldn't we be prepared with a comeback?

It also taught us that Reagan sucks.