
Given the vagaries of seed dispersal, I don't know if trees are necessarily related to the trees around them. That seems a bit like assuming everyone who lives in an apartment complex is related. And just like the member of an apartment complex, I imagine most trees are indifferent when on of their neighbors is

Has anyone in this family ever actually seen a chicken?

He also directed Ode to Billy Joe, based on the haunting Bobbie Gentry song.

But Diedrich Bader is Batman. And, to a lesser extent, Oswald.

Dear O'Neal,
I.O.U. one emergency A.V. Club article.

Katie went postal and made cupcakes!

Aw, I don't want to live that long.

Will I ever find true love? It's a no, isn't it?

My favorite Crying Gorilla scene ever: That Tamogachi trusted me!

There were no survivors.

How many roads must man walk down, baby?

Ah, true enough. But Ellis almost always has a snarky, chain-smoking Brit as a point-of-view character in his work. He had it in Excalibur with Pete Wisdom, his brief run on Thor, Ultraforce, etc.

Brideshead is gonna get revisited tonight!

Hey, you're not my second cousin! Or are you? Damn internet.

Do you only use the last one in the Summer Time?

He uses his evil twin's name, Frank Jameso.

I'm really excited about exploring the Marvel U's version of Miami. Given that real-world Miami is already surreal, the fictional one has a lot to live up to.

He better be careful; Warren Ellis might sue him for stealing his schtick.

I keep feeling left out by the She-Hulk love. I've been a fan of Byrne's run, and I absolutely loved Dan Slott's amazing run (although some stories don't hold up as well upon revisiting them.) I get what Soule is trying to do, I appreciate the realism he brings as an attorney himself, but I'm not enjoying the book. It

I always though it was Betty, although Bennie makes more sense.