
Do any films of Welles' stage work exist? I'd especially love to see Voodoo Macbeth.

I must say, I'm surprised at all of the negativity here. Unlike Gotham, Krypton has an incredibly diverse, rich history of culture, science, wars, etc. to be mined for stories. I'm more of a Marvel guy, so my DC knowledge is limited, but just a cursory search shows there is some amazing bat-shit crazy stuff from

Perhaps like their beer, Canadian butts are simply too potent for Americans to handle.

It was a way for liberals to live through the Bush years without committing mass suicide.

It took two men to fully carry his genius.

I'm actually kind of surprised Fey had him on the show, given his mile misogyny/assholery.

Well, he is wearing an apricot scarf and doing a gavotte.

And Sorkin killed him. The man's mad with power!

That's a fair point, and I was probably being hyperbolic. I think in just terms of television news, however, we've descended much lower that Chayefsky could have imagined. When Jon Stewart is the most trusted person in news, we have a problem (that's not a slam on Stewart, but he shouldn't have to be more respected

Are we raping lizard people from space, or Thomas Pynchon novels?

This is a bit off topic, but this story has got me thinking about another story involving the news media and rape: the James L. Brooks film Broadcast News. The rape storyline is minor in itself, although it plays into a pivotal part of the story. What floored me when I first saw the film is how cavalierly many of the

Sadly, TV has gotten so terrible, Network almost doesn't feel like satire anymore.

I quite liked the version on the 90s Addams family cartoon on ABC.

He'll bury us all. Even if we aren't dead. That's how committed to the character he is.

Damn it, the pterodactlus was not a dinosaur, it was a pterosaur, closely related but quite distinct archosaurs. And the pterodactlyus did not have a large crest on the back of its head: that is the Pterodon. Pterodactylus had no crest and was only the size of a sandpiper.
Sorry, but everyone makes this mistake, and it

But they peacock comedy!

Legend has it that the first draft for the show was aboard one of the DC-8s Xenu sent into a volcano.

It's amazing how white kids can turn their lives around if you give them an unlimited number of chances.

It's amazing how white kids can turn their lives around if you give them an unlimited number of chances.

Stop bragging. You're making the rest of us self-conscious.