
They get the job done, and you don't need no babies.

Royal Canadian Public Accountants?

Bring on Sha Na Na.

But we have to show those Koreans what for!

Not in Victor/Victoria he wasn't.

Avoid the movie. The idiots give it a happy ending.

It's weirdly refreshing to know that racism exists outside of the US.

Does Ms. Marple get violated by a squid?
(I know there are many different kinds of anime, but that just jumped into my head.)

Sadly, studies have show that yes, the only thing preventing them from raping and pillaging is fear of Hell. I think they did a study of stockbrokers, and that was pretty much the only thing that prevented them from tanking the economy on a daily basis.

That took me a loooooooooong time to figure out. I live a very sheltered life.

I love this passage attributed to Rabia Basri: One day, she was seen running through the streets of Basra carrying a torch in one hand and a bucket of water in the other. When asked what she was doing, she said,"I want to put out the fires of Hell, and burn down the rewards of Paradise. They block the way to Allah. I

The Dave Barry ones, or the originals?

Tink was awesome, and Pete was a fool to toss her aside for Killraven's mom. But then, it's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.

He can do both. He is the Son of God after all.

It's a little wordy.

Now he's the tightly wound Eskimo firefighter.

Fey and Poehler are just crazy, doing the Neutron dance.

I could see that. Can the Beek sing Bowie?

She's had really good luck working consistently since Happy Gillmore (Ed, Boston Legal, this show) so I imagine she'll be fine once it ends.

I won't value one woman's shape over another, but please don't force the poor girl to get an eating disorder. She's gone through more than enough crap in her life.