
Literotica is that way ==>

Yes. Yes, she does.

He invaded Guatemala and unseated their democratically elected president, ushering in decades of dictatorship and genocide of the ethnic Mayan population.

Aw, congratulations.

Also, Troy, NY, is a shit hole.

These Romans are crazy!

Opus, you've actually met Santa. What more do you need?

Take that, Jim Shooter!

Ah, back in the days when being a journalist meant you were a fully employed adult.

Um, the Moon actually exists.

My little buttercup…

That's Regina.

I think you mean the G-spot.

Its also got lots and lots of rape. Both regular and statutory. Ah, college.

I really, really don't want to come off as a dick, but is there a firm definition of what constitutes assault? Is it any unwanted action, or is it a bit more specific?

What is the slogan of the Polish labor union?
Every man for himself.

The first one one never made sense to me: the sun exists at night, so why would firing the rocket at night make a difference? This seems to reflect on the ignorance of the jokes teller rather than on the rocketry skills of the fine Polish people.

Wow, praise from Caesar.

Hides lead pipe behind back
Ye…I mean, no.

If you believe the Cracked article, Lazenby was trying to live like James Bond, and soon realized that that lifestyle would most likely kill him in three years.