
And he's amazing in Toy Story 3 and the spin off shorts.

The Butter Battle adaptation isn't bad, but wait until they are much older to watch it.

If you read his first appearances in Super Villain Team-Up, it's like the writer is just copying Batman whole cloth.

He converted.

I'm quite fond of the Ultimate Susan Storm who is smarter than Reed.

You're thinking of Baron Underbheit.
EDIT: Yes, I know that's the joke.

In Marvel's case, it's the Shroud and Moon Knight.

I think she's "etc."

The fish smell doesn't bother him.

Namor is allegedly sterile, while Wolverine has a nasty habit of killing his children.

Maude literally preferred death to marriage with that little turd.

Even if you only last a few minutes, you can tell her you made love all night long. She won't remember.

What about a VCR?

Oops. Damn brain.

Gunni? Honey? Runny cheeses?

She's got the chops, but is a bit young for Waller.

Is Randy Quaid What's-his-face or Whositz?

Yvette Nicole Brown? Olivia Spencer?

Good bye, cruel AV Club.
Off-screen gun shot

Well slow down and take your time.