
That's baby-making music.

That movie broke all German box office records.

Their slap fight at the Battle of the Bulge was legendary.

If I keep this up, do you know what I'll win?
Not a GLAAD award.

Those women were sobbin', sobbin', sobbin', fit to be tied.

Now, i understand, i was feeling the first tickles of prescience.
Does that mean if you keep rubbing, science will come out?

Well, I will admit it was unexpected. Does this mean that the Empire conscripted/recruited non-clones as part of the Storm Trooper force?

Seriously, half the trailer is just black screen shots.

You're thinking of the other one. The one with kangaroos and Vegemite.

His great grandparents changed it from Dotcomstein at Ellis Island.

Maybe it's Maybelline.

I walked into the apartment, saw the bloodstains on the carpet…


With Miracle Whip.

I was going to make an "Indians using every part of the buffalo" analogy, but I already hate myself.

That whore!

"And they never caught me!"

Jimmy Fallon's a woman? Makes sense; he does write thank-you notes.

We need to get drunk and marry our attractive cousins?

What a senseless waste of human life.