
You malodorous, toffee-faced pervert!

I don't think beavers are native to Venezuela.

He loved dogs and built the autobahn.

Faith, as such, is extremely detrimental to human life: it is the negation of reason. Now get back to work, you parasites!

Wrongfully Accused and Spy Hard are just painful to watch. What happened, Leslie?

The easily bamboozled Prince of Space!

Great, she's full of crickets.

By "family businesses" do you mean mafia? You can tell me; my grandpa was a Teamster. (CFer for about 40 years)

He was robbed of an Oscar for Victor/Victoria. He was simply amazing.

Screw you guys, I love this song.

I think Noam Chomsky articulated the central problem with 9/11 truther theories thus: the President that was found to have either orchestrated or knowingly allowed such a thing to happen doesn't only discredit himself, he annihilates his party in everyone's eyes. The Repubilcan Party, as an institution, would cease to

Have you seen it? It's like a labyrinth.

But Nobody Doesn't Like Molten Boron!

The prevalence of "World's Worst Serial Killers" and "World's Deadliest Dictators" would seem to contradict that, but I can see your point.

If you thought a beef broth enema was bad, imagine getting a Thagomizer up there.

The Goog approves.

Weirdly, a friend of mine from work went to a reiki demonstration and reported being quite messed up. The practitioner didn't even touch her. I don't know if it was psychosomatic, or if she has a very sensitive aura.

As the Big Bang Theory put it, it's a little wrong to say a tomato is a vegetable; it's a lot wrong to say it is a suspension bridge.


What always pissed me off is that human non-entity Ty Pennington got a buttload of stardom from this show, while insanely gorgeous Amy Wynn Pastor fell into obscurity. She needs to return!