
Pfft! You couldn't carry Jess Nevin's jock.

Bob Barker?
Wink Martindale?
Alex Trebek?

TV has been deprived of Wink Martindale for too long.

He was Mayan, racist!

Hey, don't knock the Cleve!

Pobody's Nerfect in Austria.

Except that Canada never perpetrated a genocide in Africa so horrendous that even the British thought it was "a bit much."

It's your own fault for dressing so slutty.

Doesn't everyone remember the great German sitcom, Who Are You to Accuse Me?

With a generous donation from the Mel Gibson Association for Tolerance of Intolerance.

It's so bright, we've gotta wear shades.

I quite enjoyed the Thailand episode, troubling depiction of Asians aside. And last nights episode had Uma Thurman.

I was skeptical of Cooper myself, but I though he did an amazing job bringing Rocket to life. He balanced the cynicism, anger, pathos just right, IMHO.

Which would probably be closer to Steve Englehart's version of the character in his first appearance.

Good call. No elephants or clowns.

I might be the only person who actually likes Wayne's World 2 more than Wayne's World. I mean, you've got Walken, kung fu fighting, RIp Taylor, the last five minutes of the Graduate…what more could you ask for?

The movie just pissed me off because of the cliff-hanger ending. You can't end a movie with "To be continued…" I felt the same way about the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

I'm a dude, and I totally agree that it was incredibly unfunny. Since I was about 11/12 when it came out, I didn't catch the sexism, but I'm sure I would today.

As someone with Asperger Syndrome, I've always felt there was something vaguely insulting about the anti-vax movement. I know autism is difficult, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but it isn't like we're no longer human beings.

My favorite part is the post-credit blooper where Swoosie Kurtz calls him an overactor.