
Good night, Chief. You were one of the greats.


Amphicoelias, or GTFO.

God schmod, I want my dinosaurs!

Go home, dad. You're drunk.

Heh. Big Fish. Tackle. I get jokes.

If we fight, then All I'll Want for Christmas are my Two Front Teeth.

Well the upkeep would be a nightmare. Plus they are insanely aggressive.

I think Jackie Earl Haley was perfect casting fro Rorshach. Everyone else was incredibly miscast, especially Veidt. It isn't a surprise twist if the character screams "I'm EVIIIL" from the first scene.

African clothing dealers also really want us to stop sending them all of our hand-me-downs. It really cuts into their bottom line.

Nat King Cole's The Little Boy Who Santa Clause Forgot is heartbreaking, if manipulative. Pretty Paper is up there, too.

Oh, there are worse Christmas songs. I'm an Angel in a Christmas Play, I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas, etc.

Well, part of the problem is that seeds are often blown around by wind. Farmers have been sued for using Monsanto seeds that blew into their fields, even though the farmer had not intentionally used the GMO seeds.

I had thought much of the fear of GMOs was the unintended consequences that might arise, such as the genes jumping from one species to another, as has apparently happened. I don't know much about GMOs, and don't really care either way, but I am a staunch vaccination defender.

Hey! Your Butt Street ends at 1233.

Actually, New Jersey is full of dinosaurs. The first dinosaurs ever discovered in the US were found in New Jersey. *pushes up glasses*

He's the viceroy of FX.

That movie is amazing with a fast-forward and mute button.

I liked the Hughes Brothers movie, though it has been quite a while since I've seen it. I don't know if all of Moore's ruminations about architecture and the nature of killing will play in Peoria, but this is a post "True Detective world, so maybe.

Million to one shot, doc. Million to one.