
No! Oil comes from ancient diatoms and other algae, not dinosaurs.

Too bad. It was compatible with the Johnny Switchblade action figure for real back-alley fun!

One's a girl, the other's a dude!

Ms. Clayburgh never looked anything less than beautiful, but damn if she wasn't sexy as hell in her prime.

Allegedly, that was the sign Bruce Willis actually wore; they changed it to I hate Ni****s digitally afterward. Which makes sense, if you think about it.

I'd agree, but without Mel Brooks we end up with The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother, which isn't awful, but isn't that great, either.

Bah, that was two humorless hours I can never get back. Though I did like the Inquisition bit.

No, it's like New Coke. It'll be around forever.

You're not the Lovecraftian entity of unimaginable evil we all fell in love with anymore.

He chose…poorly.

"You're the richest man I know."
"Yes, but I'd trade it all for a little more."

May the eyes of the Ranger be ever upon her.

If Al Jean on Simpsons commentaries is to be believed, the tune is in the public domain, but the words are not. So you can play the music, but if it is over a birthday setting (cake, presents, etc.), you have to cough up some money.

Plymouth Rock landed on us! Hoohah!

What state do you live in?

And cricket.

She's also a pirate in Hook, for some reason.

Well, we also kill spiders.

Sorry. I'm a dick.

He was a real piss ant who was very rarely stable.