
A friend in college used to yell shitfuck a lot. it got his thoughts across succinctly.

She's clearly a tomato.

I was hoping she'd look a bit more like Luba. Or Fritz. Or any of his women, come to think about it.

Our grandparents only had Sears catalogs. They had to work back then.

Just to mix things up:

All the Hitler rides and games. What's next the Mussolini Mall? The Pinochet Petting Zoo?

His god is very small.

I'm rather fond of Mad Dogs and Englishmen.

They probably aren't using it because they used it on Family Guy. Now it is forever tainted.

Was he an alligator?

I think that was a Holly Robinson Peete joke.

It's Fumbles. it was always Fumbles.

So it's a Monty Python sketch come to life? Well, now I've seen everything.

Bloody vikings. Baked beans are off.

That's why we need to build a border fence.

If I fake it, I don't have it.

I've never seen it, I just knew he directed one of the parts.

This is worse than Taqu'il's Ballocaust.

And a fine job you guys are doing, too.

I thought WASPS still mainly ran the banks.