
Would you count Deathproof as 1, or as .5 of Grindhouse? And is the piece he directed in the bellboy movie .25?

Have you checked the lost and found? My shit is always in the last place I look.

Stupid sexy May Parker.

And the Stargod of a weird, Tolkien-esque dimension drawn by George Perez.

No. Just no.

To be fair, Stan Lee established that Peter's parents were secret agents, killed by the Red Skull. (Well, a Red Skull)

She takes Boniva, so you're good to go.

That sounds like a perfect opportunity for a team-up with Sir Digby Chicken Caeser and Ginger!


Or with Don Rickles's twin brother.

That was a dream!

Heh, I see what you did there.

And where are Sam the Robot and Herbert Birdsfoot?

Jefferson Davis. Who's house was repaired with federal grants. #shakes head#

He's the British guy who gets Indy the plane. You can't really see his face, but that is definitely Aykroyd's face, but that is definitely his voice.

Four words-Jamie Lee Curtis's tits.

The greatness of that episode makes Matt Groening's public hissy fit all the more baffling. To this day, it is the only episode without his name on it.

Especially if they get Doc Savage involved, like the original comic intended.

With John Candy!

Next you'll be telling me there are Jewish entertainers.