
Danny DeVito is a very moral man.

That's just Coconuts! Or possibly Horse Feathers.

To be fair, CBS is pretty good at this news thing. Hopefully, they will use this as an opportunity to do real news about countries we don't know or care about but where actual things are happening, not just who had a nip slip, or if the President saluted with a latte in his hand.

Ah, okay. I've read 2010 as well, but my memory was hazy. I liked the book better, as it sidestepped American/Soviet politics (we nearly go to nuclear war…over Honduras?). We also get to see real aliens living on Europa.

Man, what must life be like with two suns? Asking scientists here: is Jupiter far enough away that the new sun wouldn't just cook the planets between there and Earth?

Weird Al is a vegan!

I was amazed that Richie Rich was considerably less terrible than I thought it would be. Not great, but mildly enjoyable.

I'm pretty sure that was the cigarettes.

Well she ransacked Pakistan and pulled a scam in Scandinavia.

I'm baby stepping! I'm doing the work! I'm not a slacker!

My Name is Earl, and I'm a registered sex offender.

You mean poison control.

That movie has its moments. The fight with the spears in his legs makes me laugh every time.

Doesn't the existence of this sequel prove that they don't get better?

That's why I hated Being There. I kept waiting for it to be funny.

It was 2.99 today. I almost fainted.

The Beautician and the Beast. It is as good as you think it is.

I can siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

Vhat is this, kill Hitler day?

Hey, what'd I do?