
God really enjoyed that dollar.

Eh, humanity had a good run. The dolphins just wanted it more.

When do we get to the autopia?

Replacing everything, except his dead kids. Cause, you know, dead. But at least God won his bet with Satan. Wait, did he?


But with girls, and times a million.

Rest of the universe to earth, Shut the hell up, already.

In myths, he gave birth to a horse. A horse!

Sir, you have the uncouth manners of a Yaley.

That's Bill Pullman.

It's from $pringfield, season 5.


I thought it was a company that made fish sticks.


Perhaps he resents Taft's decisions as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, especially his decision re: beefsteak.

I think he meant comedy works best when it afflicts the comfortable, rather than the disenfranchised. Although historically we have often taken great humor from exploiting fear of "the Other" in things like minstrel shows, depictions of mincing hair dressers, etc. Blazing Saddles is hillarious, but a lot of it's humor

The show actually addressed that issue a bit in the movie piracy episode. Hollywood is a giant corporation that tries to crush opposition, while at the same time lionizing little-guys who stand up to corporations.

Must…destroy…mankind! #watch beeps# Oooh, lunch time!

"Was on fire, Marge. Was."

Perhaps she was with her ex-step-dad, Abe, at the old folks home.