
Heh, slam dunk. I see what you did there.

If Agatha says he will, then he will.

No, he's Dermot Mulroney. Common mistake.

Remember the flap about the monkey on the rings, just after an African-American gymnast won a gold?

My parents thought the monkey was funny!

They could do what I did: just call them Onagers and Kiangs, and trust them not to Google those terms. Heh, Zoobooks were a treasured possession of my youth.

Don't you mean a Thousand Backs?

This is probably over-thinking and needlessly meta, but I always got the suspicion that Russell new the ending was too happy, which is why he has the scene where Bradley Cooper loses it while reading A Farewell to Arms. All I could think of during the final scene was Russell saying: "We know this won't work out, but

We seem to have taken on a lot of clocks.

I watched those in My Own Private Idaho.

Everybody loves me, baby. What's the matter with you?

Isn't that where I'm supposed to leave my phone machine?


Gary Glitter is also Cockney rhyming slang for anus. The more you know…

Their cover of Nothing But the Blood of Jesus with the Blind Boys of Alabama is really good, though.

And "white" beard seems to imply Cam got his swirl on back in the day.

You mean how they're the main ingredient in Taco Bell's "beef"?

Chickens? Babies? I thought this was a comedy show?

As a student, or as a cadaver?

Makin' love like a gay fish, gay fish.