
There were only a few flipper babies!

It's a Turkish delight on a moolit night.

Being named Ben, I'm torn between enjoying a truly beautiful song and realizing it is intended to be sung to a killer rat. Ben doesn't appear in many songs; other than Weird Al's Yoda, I can't think of another instance.

Well, raccoons and rats are natural enemies.

Damn the puns, full speed ahead.

His pocket fisherman.

As Woody Allen should have said, the penis wants what it wants.

I originally put Biloxi, but fixed it after a Wikipedia check. He did sing the song "Down around Biloxi" which confused the issue.

I'm incumbency Bob
And have you heard the news
The way the system works there's no way I can lose.
To lose I'd have to die or take an intern's life
And in either case, the seat would go to my wife.

Well, Solomon was rather fond of strip clubs himself, so I think he'd lean Democrat.

Not having a uterus, this election poses little threat to my way of life. Still, sucks for 51% of the population.

It's a foldout, it'll never fit.

To be fair, he's not an American citizen.

Check out the car commercial he did with Zach Quinto. It's pretty funny.

Mobile, to be specific. Parrot head here, and I will have no more smearing of Jimmy's character!

Reaching for things was his only cardio.

What if Reece's Pieces are available?

He should really consult a physician.

I was quite disappointed with last years show, as after about three months worth of hype, we got about ten minutes of actual hosting. The monologue was not nearly long enough.

Yeah, porn names are not nearly as clever as the media has led us to believe.