
It's hard for Fallon to interview people when he has their dicks in his mouth.

Right on, brother!

Um, isn't Saturday Night Live a variety show? Or do we mean prime time variety shows? I still think we should give the Muppets a chance to revive it. If Kermit can't do it, then it cannot be done.

By choice, or was rope involved?

I really believed that they were robots having breakfast.

While I think these guys are talented, I'm worried that there might not be anywhere to go with a sequel. Unless they really explore the Duplo angle. Or stage a war with Megablocks. Actually, that would be kind of cool.

Remember the Batusi?

Pretty good. I went to the inaugural Vermont Comic Con in Burlington. It was a pretty small show, but I got to meet Bob Layton and Nick Bradshaw and got a bunch of comics signed. And my mom made meat pudding, which, for those ignorant of British cuisine, is beef wrapped in a dough made with suet. It is awesome.

I'm confused; is it a co-ed gay bar, or was there a mix up in booking? Who thought having ladies striptease for gay men was a good idea?

Get your flamethrower on, grab a stick of Juicy Fruit…"

Seriously, I'm always amazed by documentaries about octopuses. Not only can they go through mazes and solve simple problems, it has been shown that they are capable of learning by observing others. An octopus in a tank can watch another octopus run a maze or complete a task, and then they can repeat the task, but

Fesus? I love that guy!

I have to say, I'm actually looking forward to that series. Stegron and Sauron teaming up sounds awesome.

A walking clock?

Or terrorists with swastika pasties?

He stole my balloons.

Phantom of the Oprah, or GTFO.

Why isn't it Andrew, Baron Lloyd-Webber like Tennyson was Alfred, Lord Tennyson?

I think they bring them back from time to time, like McDonald's does with the McRib. I had one. It wasn't bad, but it was rather dry (no bread to put mayo on, don't ya know). And your hands get really greasy.

Economically, sometime in the 1990s.