
If this burger isn't proof that God exists, than I don't know what is.

That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I might cry.

Only if you keep Madonna.

Really? When Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Dan Akroyd, and Jane Curtain exist?

Thank you. This entire episode just left me cold.

I'd have to say the MVP of tonight's episode was Jay. His closet jokes, while easy to miss, were amazing:

You know we have calculators now, right.

I laughed at Lily's runner that she is the designated killer of spiders in the house. I would have thought Cam would be fine with that job, but it was cute anyway.

You forgot an "o". That's a paddlin'.

Good for you.

Since the first book is in the public domain, could you go the opposite way and call a movie "Warlord of Mars" and not pay the Burroughs estate a dime?

Ashman's going to be a bit of a problem.

Or call it A Princess of Mars, the title of the book, and get women/girls to come see it. You'd think Disney would know that; princesses are their bread and butter.

Wait, so does that mean before going to medical school he was S.Accula?

Except Mulaney is less the "guy jumping out and scaring you" Halloween trick and more the "razor blade in your candy" Halloween trick. Since it looks interesting, but inside contains only boredom and mediocrity.

Probably not after this election, though.

When pun threads are loose, boards must be tight.

Oh, it's not a pyramid scheme. We harness the power of the mighty trapezoid.

I'm sure Jack is buried with Ving Rhames's Emmy.

Oh, he's not asking.