
I think everyone did.

I found it tedious, but the reveal that the slap killed him made me laugh.

Seriously, though, wouldn't it be kind of awesome? We always see human/alien interactions from an American viewpoint. Who's to say that the Chinese or another culture wouldn't react to them differently? Plus, in the real world China has big plans for harnessing the Moon's resources. Imagine what a Marvel Universe

Thanks for the info!

Having a billion people is fun. The margin of error of the Chinese population is bigger than the population of the United States.

But Jimmy has fancy plans, and the boots to match. Donkey donkey donkey donkey.

While I know it's just a quirk of translation, I'd love to see Marvel put out a book about Chinese characters in space with that title. But maybe that's just me.

Is the writer of Adventure Time good? I've heard good things, but I'm still nervous about him doing a Squirrel Girl series in January.

Was anything related to H.P. Lovecraft not racist?

What are you complaining about? You made a killing selling them to hyrax enthusiasts.

Made from the best stuff on earth.


No treble.

I think you're skipping step 0: invent working time machine. Other than that, you're golden!

But Nic Cage isn't an artist, and he has no integrity.

The Internet:

I think this is an Elseworlds storyline.

Impregnating Spice Girls?

Ahem, I believe the joke is that since neither Meet Dave or Norbit were particularly funny, Sam is considering them non-comedic roles.

So wait, do they give blood rather than take it? Maybe they all just work for the Red Cross.