
Sadly, the 13th Amendment made the racist southern states stronger politically, because once Reconstruction ended, the states could count the entirety of their black population for representation purposes, while still denying them the vote.

I was in Newsies, dammit! Doug!

Dear God, is that Linus's O-face?

You need to hear Shawn Colvin's cover. It's pretty good.

Just be glad you don't have the DVD. There are no black bars.

I always suspected he was a tiny robot.

Hey, aren't you dead?

Which one is the "reformed" Nazi war criminal/beloved scientist?

I think Kevin Kline called it "an Equal, not a sequel," but yeah, I think it fits.

There is very little about Chris Claremont's writing that I don't find annoying.

I'm just psyched that the Shadowline characters are involved. Doctor Zero is awesome.

You could always read old issues of Tarot.

Yeah, at some point LoEG changed from entertaining comic adventure into an English major's thesis. If you need to buy one of Jess Nevin's books to make sense of a story, something is wrong.

I've loved David's comics since the 1990s (his first X-Factor and Hulk runs), but I've felt like I'm getting less and less enjoyment out of the work he's producing. I don't know if he's changed, if I've just grown bored of his writing quirks, or if I've gravitated to other creators with similar writing styles (I think

Dude, that's a deep cut! Kudos.

All that unprotected sex behind the broken X-ray machine has finally paid off!

Well, can you blame him?

Um, ChemoAZT, I guess?

She-Hulk had a problem with it. She argued for its repeal in front of the Supreme Court, in Solo Avengers #14, written by Claremont with art by Alan Davis. Apparently she was successful, since a letter page said the Mutant Registration Act was ruled unconstitutional.

He'd actually already built one in the Fantastic Four: Foes limited series. I'm not sure if he just did some modifications to the existing one, or if it was a completely new prison.