
Secret Invasion was years of great build up and seeding of clues, only to end in a generic pile up ending. Blah.

Really, on paper the pro-regulation side is correct. Having people with world-altering powers running around without training, oversight, or insurance coverage is insane, and of course the government should get involved to some degree. But Millar depicted the pro-reg side as so inflexible and evil that it was

Luckily everyone in his old home town waited patiently on hooks until Robert Downey got back, ready to resume relationships just where he left them.

Heh. It's funny 'cause she's a globe.

Which somehow leads to profit. I think most future corporations are run by Underpants Gnomes.

UGH. Can't we dump the whole damn city in the harbor?

Perhaps a show where humans go into space, where wacky adventures then ensue.

Cousins are the most dangerous game.

IIRC, the Cousins didn't have a stare, they had the Cousins Call, or something.

Why would a bear need a crowbar?

Jerry Lewis?

What I always liked is Steve Martin checking the swordsman's pulse, dropping the arm, and a little dust cloud rises from the impact. Attention to detail is everything.

Beautiful song, excellent staging. The horses and the tortoise make me laugh every time.

It also had blink and you'll miss it cameos from Jon Lovitz and Phil Hartman.


That is a very important (and oft forgotten) distinction.

Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Virginia thank you.

I think he might be edged out slightly by the Narrator from Rocky and Bullwinkle, but he is the king of live action, certainly.

*Ron Howard sobs quietly in the corner.*

I really laughed at Lisa's line: Poor Dad. In his native country he was a nuclear technician.