
But they were so tasty.

No, but per American Dad, he is in the Phantom Zone.

It really livens up the place, and St. Peter can finally have a coffee break after two millennia.


A bit unrelated, but I like Patton Oswalt's bit: all romantic comedies should just be called "Trying to Fuck."

It's nice to know we have so much to look forward to.

I think the show The Critic captured Bill's essence perfectly with the newspaper headline "Nation elects lecherous hillbilly"

Yeah, the Devil calling to Jesus for help was pretty good.

See, I thought they had a COPS! style sketch where Hooks' Hillary had clearly beaten up Bill.

That was a great cast, and they were working with many of the writers that would later go on to make the first four seasons of the Simpsons. As with all things, they had a fair share of clunkers and endless sketches, but when something hit, man it was magical.

Don't forget Dick Cheney. How many hearts does he have?

I'm an agnostic, but I just know they are waltzing now in Heaven, while Jerry Nelson performs Statler and Waldorf with Richard Hunt.

To be fair, Gandhi probably wouldn't have won in India if Japan hadn't kicked Britain's ass beforehand.

Well, writing about the utter absence of sex is still writing about sex, isn't it?

Did you piece your history together from sugar packets?

No, but I here Mexico has an amazing Chili's franchise.

He put them on fish?

I always found one story particularly horrifying, but I'm not sure if it is true or just rumor. Allegedly, Vlad saw a poor beggar on the street one day and was touched that such poverty existed in his kingdom. He sent word throughout his capital city that he was holding a grand feast for all of the indigent, the lame,

Back then people blamed cholera on ghosts.

His use of the word embiggins the discussion.