
Well, given Oliver Cromwell, can you truthfully call it continuous?

Be careful, the Imagineers screwed Imagination up royal. Now the only place to find Billy Barty's Figment is in our imaginations.

Their version of Space Mountain was apparently a steam-punk version based on Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon, but then they caved and made it look like the generic version. Not that you could really tell much detail in the dark.

You're conflating of Bea Arthur and unsexy is confusing to me.

My parents loved her in Gilmore Girls and my dad constantly laments the demeaning crap she does on a regular basis. Eh, Hollywood.

He was a wonderful performer, and people who lived within the viewing range of Albany, New York TV stations know him as a very upbeat car pitchman. "You can't get Armory off your mind."

Hey, that was a great book! "A man can stand up" indeed.

Don't you mean "defired"?

There's an axiom that terrible to mediocre books make good movies, while great books tend to make mediocre to terrible movies. Having seen what Hollywood did to the Good German, I'd have to agree.

So who starts the global war? Is it the Dutch? I bet it's the Dutch.


But…but then we'd be stuck with our sins!

It doesn't look like anyone on the list is Jewish, which is…odd. There are Jewish actors in everything except Biblical epics and films set in Israel apparently (Munich, the Debt, etc.)

Hey, Prince John signed the Magna Carta, the foundation of Anglo-American democracy. We should all be glad he was such a terrible king.

A drunk, Australian rapist?

No love for the captain's imagined headlines?

To be fair, Boy Scouts in the 'Hood was almost 20 years ago.

The part where they kill the dolphin with a hammer, right?

It was terrible. I'm glad it was forgotten.

The bit where he was preparing a hotel for a visit from the Queen was funny, and a sketch where he was leading a torch wielding mob against Frankenstein's monster was pretty good.