
I think the real problem is that after all these years, Alex is still a very one-dimensional character. She is really, really smart, and sarcastic, and that's about it. We know she plays the cello, but we haven't really seen what she does for fun. Phil has magic, tumbling, and cheer leading. Cam was a football playing

Burrell is almost always the best thing in any episode, but this years supporting actor Emmy should have gone to Andre Braugher.

I think a case can be made that at least the first season deserved to win. It is way past time for the academy to choose a new show.

I am not proud of this joke, but I will take the likes.

And from the Online Etymology Dictionary:

Was narc originally spelled with a "k"? Isn't it short for narcotics? What is the word origin?

Big breasted, underage Alex?

I don't recall much about the show, but it had a nifty theme song. I miss theme songs. Damn extended commercial breaks.

If I'm remembering correctly, the show wasn't great but not mind-meltingly bad, either. The only thing that I remember clearly is that the humans on the show had truly awful clothing.

But was it a 24-hour Party Popple?

Robot Chicken had a Smurfs/Snorks war, which was hella violent, bro.

Frankly, opium is probably a bit too popular today. Just ask Philip Seymour Hoffman.

I remember a live-action special, with puppet Popples, but not a cartoon series.

I blame it on Rio.

Ahhh, rule 34.

I can do all the U.S. Presidents in order, but not under a minute. I wouldn't even know where to begin with the kings.

Jimmy Carter

Even the Ventriloquist and Scarface?

According to Wikipedia, there was a second season, but only four episodes aired before it was cancelled.

He's been cloned/deaged a bunch so that I think physically he's in his 40s or 50s, but he's still a Shoah survivor in the books. BTW, if you aren't reading the current Magneto series, you're missing out.