
Eddie Murphy said on Conan's Tonight Show that he wants to play Egghead.

Didn't Gene Siskel suggest that, too? I seem to recall him writing that in a review for the Mighty Quinn in TV guide.

Captain Simon Savage, later promoted to Admiral Savage.

Ben never respected money.

Ooh, speaking of webisodes, check out the Happy Endings Happy Driving episodes. Several are quite good, if you don't mind German subtitles (the sound is in English, though).

I will only watch my programs on Philo Farnsworth's amazing tele-visual device.

I think you and I differ in our definition of fun.

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'Round these parts, we call Bruiser Brody king of the hobos. He's a man who can really hold his sterno.


A good deal of Mitchell & Webb Look is on YouTube, both as individual sketches and whole episodes. You can watch some episodes of the old Jim Henson Hour, and a few episodes of the late, great, and probably never getting a DVD set Bakersfield PD.

I thought Almost Perfect had a brief, heavily re-tooled second season. I like Nancy Travis; she should get more work.

Forfty percent of people know that.

YouTube was created by Mopee, the Heavenly Help-mate.

Didn't he get better grades than Kerry did?

He and Vishnu are playing touch football with Zeus.

Because there aren't any Asian men who could play the part. Oh wait, there are literally one billion of them!

Because Chris Claremont was into some weird shit.

Her power is bulimia.

And Fucking Kevin Spacey. Ugh.