
I think given the abandoned baby discovered by kindly adoptive parents, and the ethnic background of all of the creators involved, a case could be made that Superman is Moses.

I know, but in my head, he's still alive.

a stack of money with googley eyes?
a Rod Serling look alike?

Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute

Oh, Jan. What happened?

She was in Bridesmaids!

I love Nora, but from reading the oral history of SNL, apparently she was a bitch with a capital C.

He's the Highlander.

It's not as good as Wreck-It-Ralph, but it was quite enjoyable. Josh Gad is surprisingly not annoying-as-hell as the snowman. And while Let it Go is way overdone, the other songs are great.

What's really amazing is that Mississippi, the official 50th in everything state, has one of the highest rates of childhood vaccination. You hear that Hollywood? Mississippi is laughing at you!

Now imagine that same concept, but repeated with minor variations 75 times.

Great minds.

I actually enjoyed the Hans and Franz commercial. Hopefully we'll see: Tunces for State Farm auto insurance; Unfrozen Cave Man Lawyer; Dieter from Sprockets. Zis is ze part of ze commercial vhere ve dance!

If it makes you feel better: I've never been in a relationship of mutual love with anyone. I'm a high-functioning autistic who has never been in love with anyone, I've only ever been in obsessive love at them. Oh, and I'm a 32-year-old virgin.

Plus he's hung like a horse. (We know this from several in-show comments, as well as Forgetting Sarah Marshall.)

See that makes me feel sorry for Marshall. While Lily clearly loves him, she must also think she could do better.

He had a wife, but he was a widower on the show, IIRC.

But Dauber was Marshall's dad!

Watch The Divide. He's one of the stars.

But they never really answered the question: Did Lily settle for Marshall? No one wants to be settled for.