
Tegrin spelled backwards is Nirget.

It's probably one of the two actors that aren't Jewish.

It's diamonds. It is just diamonds. I thought that was settled.

While a good rule of thumb, the sixth season of the Simpsons was one of the best. It had the Stonecutters episode, for instance.

Perhaps its Fantastic Fear of Everything bad.

If you steal from enough sources, have you really stolen from anyone?

Both Elephant Man and Straight Story are awesome, so other than Blue Velvet, I don't know if you're missing much.

Merv Griffin did not turn himself in. If you see him, call the police immediately.

And a walrus!

What if ThePrinceThatWasPromised is just the 11th incarnation of Whovian?

So what if they worked together?

Was it worse than Man of Steel or Superman Returns?

I'm thinking he's a soon-to-be former very big star, given his last 5 or 6 movies.

I thought Rooney was pretty good in Dragon Tattoo. I haven't seen Kate in anything other than Happythankyoumoreplease, and while she was far from bad in it, she wasn't terribly memorable, either.

Not true. I went to high school with the best Mara.

I appreciate your Pierce-ing evaluation. Thank you.

For crossover appeal, will they have to outwit the guest staring Naughty Stewardesses?

The sequel, "For a Few Loonies More," just wasn't quite as good.

It's time well spent.

Damn it, you made me upvote a sentence with "child prostitution" in it. Now I have a file.