
I didn't care for the pilot, but the second episode, about Rapier Ape was great, if a bit uncomfortable.

Only if there's a gorilla with a fedora and suspenders, or no deal!

This actually explains quite a lot.

Don't even joke about that. It's not like Chevy Chase and Demi Moore are busy.

#Hands Pemberton bags of money#

Too subtle.

Dik lives in Australia?

It's never really been entirely clear to me. I think Miller always kept his face shaded so you couldn't really pin down his ethnicity. His manner and speech pattern certainly didn't fit the stereotypical Asian mentor stereotype; he was much more a cranky old guy from the Bronx.

Hey, Markie Post is still pretty easy on the eyes. We could do worse.

My class actually read it in 7th grade. I actually liked that it took more of a suspense angle and less of a slasher one. Oh, well.

So wait, no review for the new American Dads? What the hell damn guy!?!

Greg Grunberg? Do they even have giant leather wrist bands on Tattoine?

Get back to work, you slacker!

But you go "Ew" to Coke Zero?

It is awesome!

I think Identity used that kind of opening to pretty good effect, but it's been years since I saw it and I could be wrong.

But, like, half of those toddlers could be serial killers!

Maybe she's just collecting money for Girl Scout Cookies, ala Sandra Oh in Hard Candy.

Is there any other kind?

Asterix had the druid Getafix, who makes the magical potion.