
He's not eating anything. Those are his tadpoles.

500 channels, nothin' but cats.

That Kerouac pastiche is fucking awesome, man.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles can eat a dick.

Can a single e-reader hold that much? What are there capacity?

Interestingly, in the Lemon of Troy episode where the gang invade Shelbeyville, the Shelbeyville father is voiced by Hank Azaria doing a Walter Matthau impression.

Didn't he play Paul Bunyon in the folklore episode? The one where Homer had to bathe the hobo?

Well, as the tree said to the lumberjack, I'm stumped!

At first I was just annoyed by their antics. Now I wish they were dead.

What's really neat is you can see a little photo of Brando as Col. Kurtz next to Skinner in the flashback.

They were talking to me, dammit!

Only because James L. Brooks is human scum.

And a Peter Griffin!

I've gotten the sense that Groening's contribution/input into the Simpsons was minimal at best. He gave the show its founding myth, but not much else.

Banksy's was insane, and probably more accurate than fans of the show want to admit.

Even Sara?

Just remember to clean your hands when you walk by the grave.

"Brevity is…wit."

Yes, she did. Just now.

I don't sleep with anyone. :'(