
I, for one, miss them terribly. :(

I'd put FDR as one of our better presidents, but the man had flaws. He put up with the racist fuckery of his party for entirely too long. He didn't keep Truman in the loop on post-war planning, so all of the plates he was spinning by telling the Soviets one thing and the American people another came crashing down once

"the British fucked us over in favour of currying favour with the United States or just generally not giving a shit."

But I'm aching for the tax cut.


Couldn't you have kept him and given us the toxic tar sand runoff?

Well, LBJ couldn't bring it up because taping his opponents was also incredibly illegal.

Worse, he's the movie "Master of Disguise" come to life.

Her second toe is longer than her big toe.

To be fair, I didn't think Ryan Murphy was into Scrawlers.

Weirdly, that seems appropriate, given Koko is apparently obsessed with human nipples. She demands to see them any time she gets a new trainer/caretaker.

Is that the twist?

No. You're better than that.

1. I had to use Google, but it's Mozambique

I get the impression Andy Kaufman and Jim Henson had pretty great (well, you know what I mean) funerals. You can see snippets of Henson's funeral on YouTube, and it is heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. Roger Ebert's wake was also supposed to have been a raucous affair.

Legally, are they allowed to do that?

Realizing that she would never hear his Bullwinkle voice again as they made love broke poor Alanis's heart.

That's Sir Dave Coulier.

You could just list some of the names of the OSI agents we see. Off the top of my head I can remember Tank Top and Bum Rush.

There are a lot of neat ethical questions that could be raised. There are also interesting ideas to be mined from the limits of precognition. For instance, suppose preventing an event creates a good outcome for this particular day or week, but could have disastrous outcomes several years from now. How far ahead can