
God did it.

Careful, boss. When you go digging in the past, all you get is dirty!

Me too.

Did you know Omar is the brother of Oscar-winner Cuba Gooding, Jr.?

I thought Paul Cornell did a nice play on the many, many Jack the Ripper theories in his Wisdom miniseries from Marvel. He even included a shot at From Hell: Pardon me, strumpet, but would you like some grapes and an esoteric exploration or London architecture?

As an actress, Heather Graham has amazing breasts.

Dammit, Dikachu!

You do what you love and the money will follow.

Same here. I enjoyed Moore's book, but I found it a bit of a slog. And I thought the Hughes brothers made an interesting, if flawed, film.

Don't order soup or bread sticks. That's how they get you.

Don't forget America's sweetheart, salt.

I'm not asking, I'm telling. Kick my ass.

I was under the impression that many states had laws that forced restaurant to make up the difference if the waitress' salary and tips did not meet the minimum wage, but I imagine that would be one of the first things a "Business-friendly" legislature would scrap.

Where's my money, Ray?
-Huey Lewis

Alas, Mr. Music was doing voice-over work with the angels. :'(

My favorite was Geena Davis.

He doesn't want to get into a relationship until he can control his Grenada flashbacks.

Disney apparently screwed Gary Wolf over pretty good on the movie adaptation, so I wonder if he ever tried to sue.

If he was, it would be pronounced Keen-yan.

We gave you Madonna, so it evens out.