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But they were in France, so the rats are probably cleaner than the patrons.
Boom! #Unnecessary dated ethnic slur

Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own, I'll never be alone
And you, my friend, will see
You've got a friend in me!

Since you have read the book, I'll ask you: Does New York have a larger rat population than other port cities, like say Baltimore, and if so, why? Is it just the larger concentration of humans and thus a larger food source?

Eh, Life Goes On.

She's saving them for an emergency.

I still like the name, but my last name is Hunt, so it doesn't really scan. Also, I wanted to change it so I could be like Hong Kong Phooey, who's name was actually Penry. I was an idiot when I was 6.

Yeah, I wanted to change my name to Henry when I was in kindergarten. Luckily, this did not happen.

I have to ask: Was Mr. Palmer a gentleman on set?

I think you want Jessica Williams as Winston Zedmore, not Egon.

The baby winked at you?

They're fighting Nazis one monkey at a time.

That seems redundant.

That sounds painful.

Ah ah ah, that's a misquote. It's "The love of money is the Groot of all kinds of evil."

To be fair, Mediocre Taxidermist could be a man or a woman.

Neither did Neil Gaiman, and now he's a best selling author.

As a Marvel fan, I resent that.

But it is accurate. Shoe size has nothing to do with penis size. For instance, my feet are size 13, while…
Perhaps I've said too much.

I was a fool to think anyone would want nude pictures of Whoopie Goldberg.